Here's what Jonathan Oliver had to say in the British Fantasy Society Newsletter...
"Despite its premise – a woman gets trapped in a five-month period of time – Time Ninety-Seven is most definitely not Groundhog Day. Instead Barrett’s debut novel is a taut thriller, laced with strangeness and a convincing romance. Sandy is hit by a car on her eighteenth birthday and wakes up 13 years later from a coma only to find herself trapped in time. She must find a way out of her predicament while also exploring the boundaries of her dilemma. Barrett has cleverly structured the text so that, although it skips about between repeated time periods, it still produces a gripping linear narrative.
"Sandy is an interesting character who, realising that she has a potentially infinite amount of time on her hands, explores various relationships at various levels of meaning and commitment. And these romances are not crude or overly saccharine. In fact they add as much to the novel as do the thriller elements. I think it can be hard to write about relationships convincingly but Barrett really manages it. As we reach the last quarter of the novel things become much more tense, with Sandy battling to find a way out of the time-loop. A surprising meeting spurs her on to a global exploration for the truth and Barrett ties up all the plot elements neatly and satisfactorily.
"This is an entertaining and convincing thriller and a promising debut from a writer who obviously has much more to give. As an aside, as a self-published work this is not only high on the quality of writing but the quality of production is also top-notch. Not something you see every day in the small presses.
"Highly recommended."
Jonathan Oliver
British Fantasy Society Newsletter
January 2008
PAUL BARRETT was born in London in 1963 and now lives in Rochester, Kent, with his wife and two young sons. He had a number of short stories published in his youth, as well as about fifty poems. His work received critical acclaim at the time, and was published in magazines such as ‘Bananas’, ‘I Wish I Had the View’ and ‘Sixteen Again’. This is his first novel.
Time Ninety-Seven is Paul Barrett's stunning debut novel, due to be launched 1 October 2007 at the price of £6.99 (+ 50p postage and packing). Email for more information or to order your copy.
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Fantastically intriguing book. I'm not much of a reader myself but i could not put this down when i got in from a hard days work.
Look forward to any future novels.
Good words.
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